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PAK301 Quiz File 2021

1.the first constitutional document that proved to be the ‘foundation’

of the constitutional developments in Pakistan. The Objectives Resolution

2.What was the strength of the National Assembly according to the constitution of 1956?310

3.When did the Land Reforms are introduced in Pakistan for the first time?1959

4.In which year Jinnah declared Urdu as the National Language of Pakistan?1948

5.When Did the govt conduct last census in Pakistan?1998

6.When were the four provinces of West Pakistan amalgamated into One Unit? October,1955

7.Why Indus Basin Treaty was signed between India and Pakistan?

8.To manage the distribution and flow of water between India and Oakistan

9.What is Theocratic state? A state ruled by the religious Scholars

10.BPC Report also called As Muhammad Ali BograFormula? 3rd BPC Reportt

11.When did the military government of Ayub Kahn introduce ‘Basic Democracy system’ in

Pakistan?October 1959

12.In which year Two Language formula was adopted in Pakistan?1954

13.How much land area is coverd by forest in Pakistan?4 to 5 %

14.Which constitution document is provd to be the ‘foundation’ of the constitutional

development in Pakistan?The Objectives Resolution

15.What was the function of the council of Islamic ideology that was established under the 1973

constitution?To make Islamic law

16.When did governor general Ghulam Muhammad dissolve the first constituent Assembly of

1Pakistan? In October 1955

17.Who dissolve the First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan? Governor General Ghulam


18.From where the Muslim rulers came into the Subcontinent? Central Asia

19.Which country is located in the Northwest od Pakistan? Afghanistan

20.What does BPC standfor? Basic Principle Committee

21.On which date The Objectives resolution 1949 was Approved?

March 12,1949

22.What is the minimum age of the president of Pakistan according to the constitution of

1973.45 years 

23.What is the minimum age of the president of Pakistan according to the constitution of

1956?45 years

24.What is the minimum age of the president of Pakistan according to the constitution of 1962?

40 years

25.What was the purpose of formulation of basic principles Committees in 1950? to Frame the

constitution for the new state of Pakistan

26.Who many percent Pakistan’s population lives in urban ares?30%

27.When the unit schemes was introduced in Pakistan? October1955

28.When did the Zial-ul-Haq impose third martial law in Pakistan? July5 1977

29.The interim Constitution in the National Assembly on April 17 1972

30.LFO stand for legal Frame order

31.Which mineral resources is used for the production of steel? Iron one

32.Offical literacy rate of Pakistan is 46%

33.Which mineral resource is found in Dera ghazi kahn,Hazara and kohat?uranium

34.When did military assume power in Pakistan for the first time?7 October 1958

35.The Constitution of 1956 was passed after long deliberations. It replaced the Interim


36.It has 234 Articles and 6 Schedules. This text belongs to which constitution? The

constitution of 1956

37.Which government adopted the Islamisation as the Major policy for the state? Zia


38.In which cities of Pakistan Agriculture Universities are developed? Jamshoro and Faisalabad.

39.What is share of agricultural to Pakistan Gross Domestic product? About 26 %

40.When did the second Basic principles committee present its final report? In December 1952

41.On which issues Awami league demanded separation from west Pakistan? Issue of


42.What does NA stand for? National Assembly

43.Which mineral resource is used for power generation? Coal

44.When was the 2nd constituent Assembly Constituted?1955

45.When did the 2nd constituent Assembly come into being? In May 1955

46.Which one of the following is the largest sector of Pakistan economy? Agriculutre

47.How many percent Pakistan’s population lives in BAlochistan?5.3 %

48.Who abrogated the constitution of 1962 on March25,1969? Field Martial Ayub Kahn

49.For What purpose federal Shariat Court was established in Pakistan? To introduced Islamic

system in Pakistan

50.What is the original strength of the member of the senate in Pakistan?100 members

51.When Did Ayub khan get himself elected through referendum? In 1960

52.I which province of Pakistan “Harappa” is situated? Punjab

53.What percent of our population is directly engaged in farming or agro-based activites? over


54.Which is called as the back bone of the economy of Pakistan? Agriculture Sector

55.Which constitution document is described as Magna Carta in the Constitutional history of

Pakistan? The Objective resolution 1949

56.When did the 1973 c Constitution enforce in the state? August 14 1973

57.Which Province of Pakistan is the most populated Province? Punjab

58.When was the first prime minister of Pakistan Liaquat Ali Khan killed? In October,1951

59.Why population figure are so important for any country? All the above

60.What was the very main task before the government of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in 1971? To frame

the future Constitution of Pakistan

61.Who challenged the did lotion of the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan in the court?


62.How Many high court are the there in the country? 5

63.In which years Zia’s military government hold presidential referendum in Pakistan?In 1984

64.For how many days the war of 1965 was continued between India and Pakistan?16 days

65.What was the reaction of Non-Muslim on the Objective resolution? Highly Condemned by

the non-Muslim

66.According to the 1973 constituent the president of Pakistan must be at least------------45 years

of age

67.Which one is the higestjudicaial authority in the country? The supreme court

68.Which general imposed the longest martial law in Pakistan? Generalzia-ul-haq

69.In which constitution of Pakistan one house parliament was introduced? The constitution of


70.When was the constitution of 1956 promulgated? 23rd March,1956

71.How many percent Pakistan’s population lives in NWFP?14 percent

72.What are the problems in our agriculture sector?All of the above

73.Who was the first civilan chief martial law Administration in Pakistan?Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

74.When did the First Basic principles committee present its final report? In September,1950

75.Which Constitution of Pakistan is described as the presidential type constitution? The

constitution of 1962

76.Census is taken every --------years in Pakistan.10 Years

77.Who was the 1st Governor General of Pakistan? Quaid-IAzam M.A jinnah

78.There are ------principal crop season in Pakistan. TWO

79.Who did incorporate the objectives resolution in the Constitution of pakistan? General ZiaUl-haq

80.When did the system of local Government abolish from Pakistan?1979

81.Normally how much area of a country should be covered with forests?25%

82.Pakistan climate is Divers

83.With how many countries Pakistan shares boundaries?4 

84.When were the Banks nationalized in Pakistan? 1974

85.On the world map where does Pakistan Locate? South Asia

86.What was sure about Pakistan? The Pakistan would be an Islamic Democratic state.

87.When did Ayub Kahn resign from his office as president? March 25 1969

88.Who was the president of Pakistan in 1958? Iskandar Mirza

89.When did military assume poer in Pakistan for the first time?7th October 1958

90.Who was the first president of Pakistan?Iskander Mirza

91.Which constitutional body in Pakistan enjoys only advisory capacity? national Secured

92.In which year the incident of ‘chaurachoi’ took place?

93.What is the original strength of the member of the senate in Pakistan?100 member

94.When did the military regime led by Ayubkahn enforce the Constitution of 1962 in

pakistan?8thJune 1962

95.Who took the reponsibaily of farming the constitution of Pakistan after the death of Quid-eAzam? Liaquat Ali Khan

96.Rice is the ------largest staples food crop in Pakistan and is also a major export item. Second

97.What were the charges that led to agitation against the government of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in

1977? The charge of rigging the elections.

98.In which year the principle of joint electorate was opted by the National Assembly of


99.What element is used for atomic power generation? Uranium

100.In Which Constitution of Pakistan ‘Political parties Act’ was passed? The constitution of


101.When the principle of Usher was Introduced on Agricultural production?1983

102.Under the c1973 constitution the president of Pakistan is elected by ……the All of these

103.What does the Objectives resolution’s draft 1949 say? Sovereignty belong to Almighty

Allah alone.

104.What is total area of Pakistan?796095 sq. kilometers

105.When did general Musharraf take over as the chief Executive of the country?1999

106.Who is the head of the executive authority according to the 1973 Constitution? Prime


107.According to 1998 survey the annual growth of Pakistan’s population is =2.61

108.Pak – Afghan border is known as -------Durand Line

109.In which part of the Sub-continent Pakistan is situated? North Western

110.What task was assigned to “Shahabuddine commission” set up in 196? To examine the

causes of failure of parliamentary system

111.Where does “Nanga Parbat” locate in Pakistan? In Himalayan ranges

112.Which act was introduced at the time of Pakistan’s establishment?

Government of India Act 1935

113.When were the shariat benches established?1977

114.Which one of the following clarifies the scope of power, relationship among various


within the government and society.? Constitution 

115.When did Yahya khan order military action in East Pakistan? March 1971

116.The president of Pakistan is elected for a term of -------------5 years

117.When did yahya khan hand over power to Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto? December 20,1971

118.Who became the prime Minister of Pakistan after the General election of 2002?

Meer ZafarullahJamali

119.What Is the percentage of Pakistan’s population that lives in rural areas? More than 70


120.On which date the Interim Constitution was approved in the National Assembly? April


121.Who did present clarifies the scope of power, relationship among various institutions

within the government and society.

121.Who did present the objective resolution 1949? Liaqat Ali khan

122.PM stand for Prime Minister

123.How many members of the First Constituent Assembly were increased after the 1947? From

69 to 79

124.How many censuses have been done so far in Pakistan? FIVE

125.How many percent Pakistan’s population lives in Sind? 23 percent

126.Ghulam Mohammad was the …Third Governor General of Pakistan

127.Which one of the following Acts, the Govt. of Pakistan adopted as its interim constitution?

Govt.of India act 1935

128.Which constitution was replaced after the promulgation of the constitution of 1956?

Government of India Act,1935 


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